Top Ten Villains Of Hollywood Movies

6. Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) “Psycho”

Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) “Psycho”

When the 1959 novel Psycho came out as a movie, it brought attention to a new kind of villain one that we would later on see on a couple of occasion even today in the TV show “Bates Motel”. The villain, a horrendous killer suffers from a psychological disorder known as “Dissociative Identity Disorder”, changes his appearance into that of his mother from time to time. This disorder compels him to kill the women who arouse him. The character, for the first time played by Anthony Perkins, was then played by several men over the time and all of them have the same cruel effect that can leave one scarred for life. What is even creepier about the killer/villain is that he is an allusion of the real life murderer Ed Gein.

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