Top 10 Best Monopods for GoPro Hero 4 in 2022

8. Dolica WT-1003 67-inch Lightweight Monopod:
Dolica WT-1003 67-inch Lightweight Mono pod

This monopod by Dolica can carry up to 6.7 pounds which is great for other cameras that may not stand a chance with just any monopod. The main attraction with this monopod is its extension of up to 67 inches, that’s over 5 feet. It will give you great pictures in those picturesque outdoor areas that you would like to capture from afar. Another great advantage to this particular model is that it has 4 leg sections all with rubber footing so that it doesn’t slip in watery places. The only downside to it may be the large build when you fold it up as well as the space it occupies. But for that you should know that it does come with a carrying bag.

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