Top 20 Interesting Sports Around the World

#1. Calcio Storico

Calcio Storico

This sport is practiced in Italy since the age of the Roman Empire. It’s quite similar to soccer, only that there are 25 players in the field, who punch each other like savages in order to put the ball in the arch of the rival team. The main rule is: “There are no rules”. So, physical contact and aggression are not penalized with cards. This sport has become an annual tradition in the city of Florence, where members of 2 different neighborhoods have participated in this competition during 600 years.
As we’ve seen, in the whole world, there are sports that can only be described as a “total madness” in these modern days. However, for many people, they are the reflection of their culture, history and hundreds of years of tradition. So we should show a little more respect for these sports. Although they’re not very popular, don’t appear on television and may look very dangerous, there’s a thing we absolutely cannot doubt: they must be super funny.

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